Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Manfaat Merokok

Ternyata di samping banyaknya bahaya dari asap rokok, ada juga manfaat dari merokok. Setidaknya itulah yang saya baca dari sebuah artikel tentang rokok.

Inilah beberapa manfaat dari merokok yang tanpa sengaja saya temukan:

  1. Menurut Woodrow Wyatt, peneliti dari Inggris dalam artikel yang di muat di The Times (Juli 1994), orang merokok di Glasgow tidak lebih banyak dari mereka yang ada di Bournemouth (kota sebelah selatan Glasgow). Tapi ternyata angka penderita penyakit jantung di Glasgow lebih banyak dari pada di Bournemouth.

  2. Orang Yunani yang mendapat subsidi tembakau dari Uni Eropa, merupakan perokok terberat di dunia, namun angka rata-rata penderita kanker wanita terendah dan terendah kedua bagi pria. Demikian pula untuk penyakit jantung dan pernafasan, sangat sedikit. Hal ini di sebabkan orang Yunani banyak mengkonsumsi ikan dan minyak zaitun yang mengandung lemak tak jenuh ganda.

  3. Seorang ahli THT ternama di AS mengatakan, bahwa ia menyarankan pada mantan perokok yang terserang batuk, untuk menghisap dua batang rokok sehari, dan hal itu menyembuhkan mereka.

  4. Dr. James Le Fanu di AS menulis: “Perokok mempunyai resiko 50% lebih sedikit terkena penyakit alzheimer (pikun), dan banyak perokok yang mempunyai perlindungan lebih banyak dari penyakit ini.” The New England Journal of Medicinekanker endometrik kandungan 50% lebih sedikit daripada nonperokok. tahun 1985 menulis, para perokok yang terkena 

  5. Menurut artikel di Journal of The American Medical Association, penyakit kanker usus dan ulcerative, 30-50% lebih besar berpotensi menyerang nonperokok.

  6. The American Government’s Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, menemukan kemungkinan osteoarthritis menyerang perokok berat 5 kali lebih kecil daripada nonperokok.

  7. Menurut Prof. Petrus Budi Santoso, rokok bisa menolong manusia dari terkaman parkinson (sindrom yang membuat organ tubuh bergetar liar dan susah di kontrol). Sebab, dalam rokok terdapat nikotin yang dapat menghambat berkurangnya sel-sel di otak, yang mengakibatkan gangguan pada saraf. Ahli penyakit saraf di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga itu mengaku pernah meneliti dampak nikotin terhadap parkinson pada tahun 1987. Ia meneliti 100 pria perokok dan 100 pria tak merokok, yang semuanya penderita parkinson. Mereka rata-rata berusia di atas 50 tahun. “Ternyata mereka yang perokok tidak cepat parah penyakitnya,” katanya.

  8. Di Inggris, pada akhir perang dunia ke dua, penderita jantung mengalami penurunan secara drastis padahal jumlah perokok waktu itu sangat tinggi.

Selama ini rokok di cap sebagai biang kerok dari berbagai jenis penyakit horor. Para ahli kedokteran pun tidak berani membuktikan kemungkinan doktrin itu salah. Sejauh ini memang di perlukan satu studi yang seimbang dan objektif mengenai apa yang menyebabkan sakit, termasuk keuntungan dan kerugian merokok.

Manfaat Menangis

Menangis sering dianggap sebagai gambaran kelemahan saat menghadapi masalah. Padahal sebenarnya menangis memiliki manfaat positif, baik bagi kesehatan fisik, spiritual maupun psikologis.

Jika emosi Anda sedang tidak stabil, rasa sedih dan ingin menangis biasanya muncul. Saat hal tersebut terjadi, jangan tahan tangis Anda, karena menangis merupakan luapan emosi yang sangat wajar dan sehat. Selain sarana untuk meluapkan emosi, menangis memiliki manfaat lain, yaitu :

- Membersihkan mataFungsi utama air mata adalah membuat indera penglihatan kita menjadi lebih jelas. Tidak hanya membasahai bola mata dan kelopak mata, tetapi juga mencegah dehidrasi membran yang ada disekitar mata. Saat mengeluarkan air mata, mata Anda sebenarnya sedang dalam proses
pembersihan. Hal itu membuat kotoran yang menempel pada mata ikut keluar melalui air mata dan mata pun menjadi bersih.

- Membunuh bakteriAir mata mengandung lysozyme, yaitu cairan yang bisa membunuh 90 - 95 persen bakteri dalam waktu 5 hingga 10 menit. Jadi, saat Anda mengeluarkan air mata, secara otomatis bisa membunuh bakteri berbahaya yang bisa memicu iritasi pada mata.

- Menstabilkan moodApakah Anda tahu kadar zat mangan dalam tubuh? Tingginya kadar mangan dalam tubuh bisa memicu mood yang tidak satabil, kekhawatiran berlebihan, dan perasaan yang sensitif. Nah, dengan menangis kadar mangan dalam tubuh Anda bisa diturunkan dan membuatnya dalam keadaan

Selain itu, air mata yang keluar saat Anda dalam keadaan emosi, mengandung 24% protein albumin yang berfungsi membawa molekul racun keluar dari tubuh.

- Menurunkan stresMenangis bisa membuat tingkat stres yang Anda alami menurun. Hal itu karena saat menangis, zat kimia yang dikeluarkan tubuh saat Anda yaitu endorphin leucine-enkaphalin dan prolactin akan berkurang. Berlaku sebaliknya, jika Anda menahan tangis maka tingkat stres yang dialami akan naik dan bisa berdampak pada kesehatan seperti masalah jantung, dan tekanan darah tinggi.

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Rabellion Rose-Bangun Indonesiaku

Bangun Kawan, Dari setiap mimpi burukmu
Bersama Kita satukan rasa,
Tanpa batas yang terbentang..
Habis terang, takkan terbit gelap yang menghalang
tetap percaya pagi menjelang,
dengan harapan didepan...

meskipun badai ombak datang
panas matahari membakar
kita kan slalu bersama
mengejar semua harapan
hingga pagi kan menjelang dan berulang.....

marilah bersatu,, wooooo
tuk bangunkan indonesiaku
jangan pernah kau ragu wooooooo
tuk bangunkan indonesiamu
tumpah darah kau bangsaku...

melody:back to reff

kepalkan tanganmu,,
harga mati untuk bangsaku..
Jangan ragukan langkahmu..
harga mati untuk bangsaku..kita disini untukmu..

Rabellion Rose-Anthem Of Rose

we are the rebellion rose
we're livin' on the fun
we are rebellion rose
we're singin' out loud fun
we are the rebellion rose
don't forget to say ur mom
we spend night with a lot of fun!!!

hey what's up my punk'd friend
are u ready for this chance
we gonna rock tonight
rock you
go this beers
go this bugs
go this songs
gettin' high tonight

riot kid's
riot punk's
burn ur fuckin' sad

i said ...
rock rock rock
riot riot riot tonight....
punk punk punk
fun fun fun yes we are
rock n roll side, rock n roll paradise
we have this shit oh nice.........

rebellion rose
livin' on the fun
rebellion rose
singin' out loud fun
rebellion rose
love ur mom
yeah we full of fun!!!!

Rabellion Rose - Bermalam Bintang

malam terang bergemerlap bintang
berbicara tentang dunia yang semakin suram
dan lihatlah kirimu masihkah kawan mu
berjanjilah sampai mati tuk tetap berdiri..

hey kawanku jangan kau bersedih
tatap matahari tetap mengikuti penuh semangatmu
kita di sini tak lelah tuk bernyanyi
selama suka duka tetap ada menghiasi..

aku kamu dia dan mereka
pasti pernah terpuruk dan berada di atas
ingat kawan kita yang terluka
tak kan sanggup lagi tuk tahan air mata..

karena kita manusia
terbatas dengan semua yang kita miliki
tapi tetap berdiri tegak
hanya tembok penghalang dengan sangat terhormat..

karena kita semua bersaudara
senyum bagai air mata, keringat dan harapan
jejaknya kita bermalam bintang
jaga untuk saudara kita tetap bersama..

Yes outSIDer with fun..

Rabellion Rose-Raungan Kemenangan

Dan ku bernyanyi nikmati hidup ini
bersama kalian diujung jalan ku berbagi
lewati malam dengan sebotol whiskey
hari demi hari kan ku jalani

Dengan berani kulangkahkan kaki
tak peduli rintangan di depan kan kuhadapi
deras keringat terasa membasahi
hingga nanti berselimut mimpi

Bersinar wahai kau sang mentari
tuntun langkahku menembus cerahnya pagi ini
berdiri tegak di garda depan
dengan ribuan raungan kemenangan

wooo..ooo..kibar bendera jati dirimu
wooo..ooo..tunjukkan dunia halilintarmu
wooo..ooo..cinta di dada menumpuk slalu
wooo..ooo..kan ku jaga api semangatku

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

FAT (File Allocation Table) dan NTFS (NT File System)

a. FAT 16
FAT16 dikenalkan oleh MS-DOS tahun 1981. Awalnya, Sistim ini didesign untuk mengatur file di floopy drive dan mengalami beberapa kali perubahan sehingga digunakan untuk mengatur file di harddisk. Keuntungan FAT16 adalah file system ini kompatibel hampir di semua Operating System baik itu Windows 95/98/Me, OS/2 , Linux dan bahkan Unix. Namun dibalik itu masalah paling besar dari FAT16 adalah mempunyai kapasitas tetap jumlah cluster dalam partisi , jadi semakin besar harddisk maka ukuran cluster akan semakin besar, artinya file sekecil apapun tetap akan memakan 32Kb dari harddisk. Hal jelek lain adalah FAT16 tidak mendukung kompresi , enkripsi dan kontrol akses dalam partisi.

b.FAT 32
FAT32 mulai di kenal pada sistim Windows 95 SP2, dan merupakan pengembangan lebih dari FAT16. FAT32 menawarkan kemampuan menampung jumlat cluster yang lebih besar dalam partisi. Selain itu juga mengembangkan kemampuan harddisk menjadi lebih baik dibanding FAT16. Namun FAT32 memiliki kelemahan yang tidak di miliki FAT16 yaitu terbatasnya Operating System yang bisa mengenal FAT32. Tidak seperti FAT16 yang bisa di kenal oleh hampir semua Operating System, namun itu bukan masalah apabila anda menjalankan FAT32 di Windows Xp karena Windows Xp tidak peduli file sistim apa yang di gunakan pada partisi.

NTFS di kenalkan pertama pada Windows NT dan merupakan file system yang benar benar berbeda di banding teknologi FAT. NTFS menawarkan security yang jauh lebih baik , kompresi file , cluster dan bahkan support enkripsi data. NTFS merupakan file system standar untuk Windows Xp dan apabila anda melakukan upgrade Windows biasa anda akan di tanyakan apakah ingin mengupgrade ke NTFS atau tetap menggunakan FAT. Namun jika anda sudah melakukan upgrade pada Windows Xp dan tidak melakukan perubahan NTFS itu bukan masalah karena anda bisa mengkonversinya ke NTFS kapanpun. Namun ingat bahwa apabila anda sudah menggunakan NTFS akan muncul masalah jika ingin downgrade ke FAT tanpa kehilangan data.

Pada Umumnya NTFS tidak kompatibel dengan Operating System lain yang terinstall di komputer yang sama (Double OS) bahkan juga tidak terdetek apabila anda melakukan StartUp Boot menggunakan floopy. Untuk itu sangat disarankan kepada anda untuk menyediakan partisi yang kecil saja yang menggunakan file system FAT di awal partisi. Partisi ini dapat anda gunakan untuk menyimpan Recovery Tool apabila mendapat masalah. Namun dengan teknologi Windows Xp sekarang yang mempunyai Recovery Tool sendiri , Saya rasa itu tidak begitu penting karena kemampuan Recovery Tool dari Windows Xp sudah cukup baik.


Cara membetulkan Flash Disk rusak sebenarnya sangat mudah. Tips-triknya simple. Flash Disk adalah sahabat bagi kita dan sedapat mungkin kita jaga agar Flash Disk itu tidak rusak atau terkena Virus. Jika Flash Disk kita terpaksa rusak dengan kasus terdeteksi atau terbaca keberadaannya namun jika dilihat propertiesnya hanya menunjukkan 0kb dan data-data kita tidak bisa dibuka, coba betulkan Flash Disk dengan menggunakan tips trik Tutorial berikut ini:

1. Download HP Drive Boot Utility sebesar 45 Mb. Freeware. Software ini mendukung untuk Flash Disk yang bukan keluaran HP.
2. Install software tersebut Kedalam PC ataupun Laptop anda
3. Koneksikan flashdisk yang bermasalah ke dalam komputer via USB.
4. Jalankan software dan pilihlah drive tempat flash disk anda.
5. Pilih Create New or Replace Existing Configuration
Sekarang coba cek Flash Disk anda apakah sudah sehat kembali ? Pastinya sudah.. :)

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

IP address dan subnet mask dapat diberikan secara otomatis menggunakan Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol atau disi secara manual.
DHCP berfungsi untuk memberikan IP address secara otomatis pada komputer yang menggunakan protokol TCP/IP. DHCP bekerja dengan relasi client-server, dimana DHCP server menyediakan suatu kelompok IP address yang dapat diberikan pada DHCP client. 
Dalam memberikan IP address ini, DHCP hanya meminjamkan IP address tersebut.
Jadi pemberian IP address ini berlangsung secara dinamis.
Topologi Jaringan adalah gambaran secara fisik dari pola hubungan antara komponen-komponen jaringan, yang meliputi server, workstation, hub dan pengkabelannnya.
Terdapat tiga macam topologi jaringan umum digunakan, yaitu Bus, Star dan Ring.

Domain Name System (DNS)

Domain Name System (DNS) adalah suatu sistem yang memungkinkan nama suatu host pada
jaringan komputer atau internet ditranslasikan menjadi IP address. Dalam pemberian nama, DNS menggunakan arsitektur hierarki.

1. Root-level domain: merupakan tingkat teratas yang ditampilkan sebagai tanda titik (.).
2. Top level domain: kode kategori organisasi atau negara misalnya: .com untuk dipakai oleh
perusahaan; .edu untuk dipakai oleh perguruan tinggi; .gov untuk dipakai oleh badan pemerintahan. 
Selain itu untuk membedakan pemakaian nama oleh suatu negara dengan
negara lain digunakan tanda misalnya .id untuk Indonesia atau .au untuk australia.
3. Second level domain: merupakan nama untuk organisasi atau perusahaan, misalnya:
microsoft.com; yahoo.com, dan lain-lain.


INTERNET (Inter-Network) dapat diartikan jaringan computer luas yang menghubungkan pemakai computer satu computer dengan computer lainnya dan dapat berhubungan dengan computer dari suatu Negara ke Negara di seluruh dunia ,dimana didalamnya terdapat berbagai aneka ragam informasi Fasilitas layanan internet. 

Jaringan MAN

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) adalah: Pengembangan dari Local Area Network (LAN).Jaringan komputer ini terdiri dari beberapa jaringan LAN yang saling berhubungan letak jaringan ini biasanya saling berjauhan tergantung dari panjang kabel yang kita gunakan.Jaringan MAN biasanya digunakan antar kota,antar wilayah yang lumayan luas.

Jaringan WAN

WAN (Wide Area Network) merupakan jaringan komputer yang mencakup area yang besar sebagai contoh yaitu jaringan komputer antar wilayah, kota atau bahkan negara, atau dapat didefinisikan juga sebagai jaringan komputer yang membutuhkan router dan saluran komunikasi publik.
WAN digunakan untuk menghubungkan jaringan lokal yang satu dengan jaringan lokal yang lain, sehingga pengguna atau komputer di lokasi yang satu dapat berkomunikasi dengan pengguna dan komputer di lokasi yang lain.

Jaringan LAN

Local Area Network (LAN) adalah: sejumlah komputer yang saling dihubungkan bersama di dalam satu areal tertentu yang tidak begitu luas, seperti di dalam satu kantor atau gedung. Secara garis besar terdapat dua tipe jaringan atau LAN, yaitu jaringan Peer to Peer dan jaringan Client-Server.
Pada jaringan peer to peer, setiap komputer yang terhubung ke jaringan dapat bertindak baik sebagai Workstation maupun Server.
Sedangkan pada jaringan Client-Server, hanya satu komputer yang bertugas sebagai server dan komputer lain berperan sebagai workstation.

Kotak-Lagi Lagi

intro : E G C D 4x
Malam ini ku lewati
Walau sepi menghantui
Tak ada dambaan hati kan tetap ku nikmati

Hati kecilku berbisik
Inginkan kekasih tapi ku masih inginkan sendiri
Kau pun terus mendekati akupun tak peduli

Interlute : E G C D 2x

Reff I
Lagi-lagi, kamu lagi-lagi
Basi-basi, rayuanmu basi
Memang ku menarik, aku memang sexy

Balik ke *, Reff

Reff II
Lagi-lagi, kamu lagi-lagi
Pergi-pergi, jangan kau kembali
Jangan mimpi aku tak pernah simpati

Interlute : E G C D E D C D 2x
E G C D 2x

Balike ke Reff I, Reff II
Coda : E G C D 4x 

Kotak-Kembali Untukmu

C   D Em    C    D     Em
 Terjaga ku di Ujung pagi

C D    Em         C   D     Em 
Membawaku nikmati indah duniawi

C  D  Em     C    D     Em 
 Sendiri bertanya di hati

C D  Em           C   D   A
 Akankah semuanya akan abadi

     G      C    Em     D
ku pejamkan sejenak mataku
     G    C      Em           D 
ku buka hatiku sebelum ku kembali 

C   D   Em     C       D     Em
 ku yakini nikmat yang Kau beri
C   D  Em     C     D     A
 Sgalanya padamu kan kembali

     G      C    Em     D
ku pejamkan sejenak mataku
     G    C      Em           D 
ku buka hatiku sebelum ku kembali 
     G      C    Em     D
ku pejamkan sejenak mataku
     G    C      Em           D 
ku buka hatiku sebelum ku kembali 

D               C  D
  Kembali Untukmu

[intro] Em C
        E C Em C Em C F D

     G      C    Am     D
ku pejamkan sejenak mataku
     G    C      Am           D 
ku buka hatiku sebelum ku kembali 
     G      C    Am     D
ku pejamkan Sejenak mataku
     G    C      Am           D 
ku buka hatiku sebelum ku kembali 

Kotak-Selalu Cinta

[intro] G

kamu tanya, aku menjawab
kamu minta, aku berikan
Am           D
ku sayangi kamu

ku bicara, kamu yang diam
ku mendekat, kamu menghindar
Am           D           G
separah inikah kamu dan aku

       G            G7
bagaimana bisa aku tak ada 
di setiapmu melihat
     Am       D
sementara ku ada
       G            G7
bagaimana bisa kamu lupakan 
yang tak mungkin dilupakan
Am             D         
aku selalu cinta selalu cinta

[int] G

kamu hilang, aku menghilang
semua hilang yang tak kukira
Am              D            G
jangan tanya lagi tanya mengapa

       G            G7
bagaimana bisa aku tak ada 
di setiapmu melihat
     Am       D
sementara ku ada
       G            G7
bagaimana bisa kamu lupakan 
yang tak mungkin dilupakan
Am             D              Em D-C Bm-Am
aku selalu cinta tapi kamu tidak
     D       Em D-C Bm-Am
tapi kamu tidak
     D       Em 
tapi kamu tidak

       G            G7
bagaimana bisa aku tak ada 
di setiapmu melihat
     Am       Bm 
sementara ku ada
    Am      D
aku selalu ada
       G            G7
bagaimana bisa kamu lupakan 
yang tak mungkin dilupakan
Am             D              Em D-C Bm-Am
aku selalu cinta tapi kamu tidak
     D       Em D-C Bm-Am
tapi kamu tidak
     D       G
tapi kamu tidak

Kotak-Bayang Abadi

D           E           
Hening malam ku sendiri
A            F#          
Bintang bulan ku pandangi
Bm       E         A
Hari-hari ku lewati

D          E
Kenangan indah dengan mu
A       F#        
Masih terasa di hati
Bm        E          A
Rasa sedih tak bertepi

     Bm    C#m    D            E
Tak ada cinta sejati di dunia ini


    F#m     D               A
Mungkin kau tercipta tuk pergi
      F#m   D           E
Meski bayangmu di benak abadi
      F#m   D            C#m D
Saat ini dirimu telah pergi
     A        D     E    A
Berdiri menanti kau kembali

[int] A D E A 2x

    F#m     D               A
Mungkin kau tercipta tuk pergi
      F#m   D           E
Meski bayangmu di benak abadi
      F#m   D            C#m D
Saat ini dirimu telah pergi
     A        D       A       D
Berdiri menanti, Berdiri menanti
     A        D     E    A
Berdiri menanti kau kembali

[int] A D E A 2x

  A           D
Bayangmu kan abadi
E               A
Meski kau telah pergi
   A          D
Di sini ku berdiri
  E            A
Menanti kau kembali

[fade out]
  A           D
Bayangmu kan abadi
E               A
Meski kau telah pergi
   A          D
Di sini ku berdiri
  E            A
Menanti kau kembali

Devil Dice–Diamonds Are Forever

i heard that she's moving to the south
and seems my world never coming back
lord let me she her face for one last time
walking down the roses on her hair
this afternoon that i could always stand
amaze by the grace and beauty of her face

nothing i can say, nothing i can do
only the lord knows how she feels

looking at the blue blue sky
so this is my last goodbye
i am leaving this country tonight, i'll miss u boy
its you that i have never get your name
its you i have always wondered why
man with a charm that never goes away

nothing i can say, nothing i can do
only lord knows how he feels

diamonds are forever
i feeling grows in lonely days
yours belong lost angel
someone show me how do you say

we're must been in heaven or leave any how
couse tonight i'll never lets you go
darling, taste my breath away

nothing i can say nothing i can do
only the lord knows how how we feel

i heard that she's moving to the south
and seems my world never coming back
lord let me see her face for last time
looking at the blue blue sky
so this is my last goodbye
i'am leaving this country toninght, i'll miss you boy

nothing i can say, nothing i can do
only lord knows how we feels

diamond are forever
i felling grows in lonely day
your belong lost angel
someone show me how do you say

we don't need to whisper
universe always listening
life will shade forever
this love for eternity

we're must been in heaven or leave any how
cause tonight i'll never let you go
darling, taste my breath away

A7X-Warmmes On The Soul

Your hazel green tint eyes watching every move I make.
And that feeling of doubt, it's erased.
I'll never feel alone again with you by my side.
You're the one, and in you I confide.

And we have gone through good and bad times.
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me.
And your love's always been true as can be.
I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

And we have gone through good and bad times.
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me.
And your love's always been true as can be.
I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.


A7X-Until The End

Weekends on young and angry streets
We meet, drink 'till trouble found us there
Living life as without a care
We've had our fights, been black and blue
Its true, I've even gone to jail for you my friends
Bet your life that I'd do it again

(Until the End)

Don't change the way you think of me
We're from the same story
Life moves on, can't stay the same
But some of us, I'm worried, yeah

While some have gone their separate ways
There's some still caught up with the past
and stead to move on, you're missing most of your life
They say its hard to stay the same
When some fail, while other men seem to gain, but friends
I'll be with you here until the end

(Until the End)

Don't change the way you think of me
We're from the same story
Life moves on, can't stay the same
But some of us, I'm worry

We're all falling forward
With no signs of slow
Some moving faster
Thats all that I wanted
I wanted

I know its hard
Its passing by
Be out all night
so reminisce won't bring you back
Just look ahead and hold on tight

We're all falling forward
With no signs of slow
And some moving faster
Thats all that I wanted
I wanted

Don't change the way you think of me
Oh yeah

Until the end
Until the end
Until the end
Until the end

A7X-Unholly Confensions

"I'll try," she said as he walked away.
"Try not to lose you."
Two vibrant hearts could change.
Nothing tears the being more than deception,
unmasked fear.
"I'll be here waiting" tested and secure.

Nothing hurts my world,
just affects the ones around me
When sin's deep in my blood,
you'll be the one to fall.

"I wish I could be the one,
the one who won't care at all
But being the one on the stand,
I know the way to go, no one's guiding me.
When time soaked with blood turns its back,
I know it's hard to fall.
Confided in me was your heart
I know it's hurting you, but it's killing me."

Nothing will last in this life,
our time is spent constructing,
now you're perfecting a world... meant to sin.
Constrict your hands around me,
squeeze till I cannot breathe,
this air tastes dead inside me,
contribute to our plague.
Break all your promises,
tear down this steadfast wall,
restraints are useless here,
tasting salvation's near.

Nothing hurts my world,
just affects the ones around me
When sin's deep in my blood,
you'll be the one to fall.

"I wish I could be the one,
the one who won't care at all
But being the one on the stand,
I know the way to go, no one's guiding me.
When time soaked with blood turns its back,
I know it's hard to fall.
Confided in me was your heart
I know it's hurting you, but it's killing me.

A7X-So Far Away

Never been for anything
Never chained but never free
 G                D
I lied to heal the broken love
    Bm          C  
With all that it could

Live the life so endlessly
Saw beyond what others see
 G                  D
I tried to heal your broken heart
    Bm         C
With all that I could

Will you stay
Will you stay away forever?

Em                        G
How do I live without the ones I love?
Am                                Em         D
Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt
Em                  G
Facing times always on my mind
 Am                                C    D
I have so much to say but you're so far away

Means a war of futures hold
Foolish lies of grown and old
   G              D
And seems we're so invincible
   Bm          C
The truth is so cold

A final song, a last request
A perfect chapter laid to rest
G              D
Now and then I try to find
   Bm          C
The place in my mind

Where you can stay?
You can stay awake forever!

Em                        G
How do I live without the ones I love?
Am                                Em         D
Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt
Em                  G
Facing times always on my mind
 Am                                C     D
I have so much to say but you're so far away

Sleep tight
I'm not on pray
   Am                    Em
The ones that we love are here with me
Lay away
A place for me
'Cause as soon as I'm done
I'll be on my way
To live eternally

(solo) E  C  Am  Em
      E  C  D  C  D

Em                        G
How do I live without the ones I love?
Am                                Em         D
Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt
Em                  G
Facing times always on my mind
And the light you let remains
         C         D
But it so hard to stay
     Am                                C     D    Em
And I have so much to say and you're so far away

(solo- 3:30 2x) Em  D  Am  G  D/F#  Em  D  C

(solo) Em  D  Am  G  D/F#  Em  D  C (2x)
      Em  D  C

I love you
You were ready
Am         G       D/F#   Em   D   C
The pain stroke in dark spines
But I see you
An it lets me
Am           G       D/F#     Em    D    C
Your pain is gone on hands of time

Em D     C   Em         D             C
So far away      (And I need you to know)
Em D     C   Em         D                    C
So far away      (And I need you to need you to know)

A7X-Seize The Day

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry
These streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past

I found you here, now please just stay for a while
I can move on with you around
I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?
I'd do anything for a smile, holding you 'til our time is done
We both know the day will come, but I don't want to leave you

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one picture)

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

Newborn life replacing all of us, changing this fable we live in
No longer needed here so where do we go?
Will you take a journey tonight, follow me past the walls of death?
But girl, what if there is no eternal life?

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one picture)

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

Trials in life, questions of us existing here, don't wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

So, what if I never hold you, yeah, or kiss your lips again?
Woooaaah, so I never want to leave you and the memories of us to see
I beg don't leave me

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

Trials in life, questions of us existing here, don't wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

Silence you lost me, no chance for one more day
[x2 then continues in the background]
I stand here alone
Falling away from you, no chance to get back home
I stand here alone
Falling away from you, no chance to get back home


Yeah, you've been alone
I've been gone for far too long
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

Never let it show
The pain I've grown to know
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

Letters keep me warm
Helped me through the storm
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

I've always been true
I've waited so long just to come hold you
I'm making it through
It's been far too long, we've proven our
love over time's so strong, in all that we do
The stars in the night, they lend me their light
to bring me closer to heaven with you

(Bring me closer)

But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

And with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

A7X-Dear God

(F C Dm Am Bb F C)
A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade...

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

A7X-Dancing Dead

Dead men, they celebrate
as the final chapter fades away
Cuz they can't hide;
We can see their flesh is rotten!

The band plays a hopeful tune
The champagne is poured as they socialize
The look in their eyes
Hide in the light

Everything is paid for tonight
while at the party of the dead dancing in their graves
The drinks here are free so relax
Enjoy the sight of all the dead dancing in their graves
And while the world that they built
told 'em to change,
told 'em to listen
They just kept it the same
And now that midnight has come,
I'm in a room watching the dead dancing in their graves

Bones covered up by suits
As the visible scars, they multiply
Kiss it good-bye
Too stubborn and now you're destroyed!

Tick, tock
The time bomb has been recognized, been pressurized
Nowhere to hide
Swallowing light

Everything is paid for tonight
while at the party of the dead dancing in their graves
The drinks here are free so relax
Enjoy the sight of all the dead dancing in their graves
And while the world that they built
told 'em to change,
told 'em to listen
They just kept it the same
And now that midnight has come,
I'm in a room watching the dead dancing in their graves

We feel a coming strength
And now it's too late
to change

Why'd you want to go?
You drown me with all that you've got
Oh, how the mighty fall

Everything is paid for tonight
while at the party of the dead dancing in their graves
The drinks here are free so relax
Enjoy the sight of all the dead dancing in their graves
And while the world that they built
told 'em to change,
told 'em to listen
They just kept it the same
And now that midnight has come,
I'm in a room watching the dead dancing in their graves

We feel a coming strength
And now it's too late
To change
[Repeat til fade]

A7X-Bat Country

"He who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man"

Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay.
I tried to drive all through the night,
the heat stroke ridden weather, the barren empty sights.
No oasis here to see, the sand is singing deathless words to me.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.

As I adjust to my new sights the rarely tired lights will take me to new heights.
My hand is on the trigger I'm ready to ignite.
Tomorrow might not make it but everything's all right.
Mental fiction, follow me; show me what it's like to be set free.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.

So sorry you're not here I've been sane too long my vision's so unclear.
Now take a trip with me but don't be surprised when things aren't what they seem.

Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay.
These eyes won't see the same, after I flip today.

Sometimes I don't know why we'd rather live than die,
we look up towards the sky for answers to our lives.
We may get some solutions but most just pass us by,
don't want your absolution cause I can't make it right.
I'll make a beast out of myself, gets rid of all the pain of being a man.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.

So sorry you're not here I've been sane too long my vision's so unclear.
Now take a trip with me but don't be surprised when things aren't what they seem.
I've known it from the start all these good ideas will tear your brain apart.
Scared but you can follow me I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

A7X-Afterlife (Alternate Version)

Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen.
So unsure but it seems, 'cause we've been waiting for you.
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste.
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway.

I see a distant light, but girl this can't be right.
Such a surreal place to see so how did this come to be,
Arrived too early.

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong,
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far.

I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear, escape from this afterlife.
'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.

A place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain.
Can leave this place but refrain, 'cause we've been waiting for you.
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste.
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway.

This peace on earth's not right (with my back against the wall).
No pain or sign of time (I'm much too young to fall).
So out of place don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and that's my sign.
I've made up my mind.

Give me your hand but realize I just wanna say goodbye.
Please understand I have to leave and carry on my own life.

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife.
'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.
Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you.
This place full of peace and light, and I'd hoped you might,
Take me back inside, when the time is right.

Loved ones back home all crying 'cause they're already missing me.
I pray by the grace of God that there's somebody listening.
Give me a chance to be that person I wanna be.
(Who are you? I'm broken, I'm choking on this ecstasy.)
Oh Lord I'll try so hard but you gotta let go of me
(Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live.)
[Screaming and maniacal laughter]

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife.
'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.
Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you.
This place full of peace and light, and I'd hoped you might,
Take me back inside when the time is right.

SID-Jadilah Legenda


G            C
hembus angin yang terasa panas
D            G
keringat menetes di dada
G            C
tiada henti kau bekerja keras
D            G
berjuang demi cinta

C            G
untuk indonesia jadilah legenda
walaupun hancur dan disakiti
C            G
kau tetap berdiri disini
C            G   F#m  Em
untuk indonesia jadilah legenda
C            D
kita bisa dan percaya

G   F#m   Em    C      D
darah indonesia akulah halilintarmu
G   F#m   Em    C      D
darah indonesia mengejar tuk selamanya
G   F#m   Em    C     
darah indonesia walau badai menghadang
D                  G  F#m Em
kau takkan pernah hilang...hilang...hilang...
C           D
walau badai menghadang
kau tak pernah hilang